How To Border Text Box In Word For Mac 2011

Hi Microsoft Community. I'm working on a Mac, using Microsoft Word Mac 2011 to create documents that will be used and updated by coworkers using a PC. The files are saved as 97-2004 Document (.doc), then emailed to my coworkers. Here's the problem: The documents created with Word Mac 2011 contains text boxes with NO BORDER. But when the documents are opened on a PC, black borders appear around text boxes and they won't go away. On the PC, we can't delete the borders. When selected on the PC, text boxes indicate they have no border (as they were created on the Mac), yet the black borders appear on screen and also in print-outs.

How to border text box in word for mac 2011 lock

Retro text editors for mac. Has anyone out there had this issue before? If, so how did you solve it? Is there a Word preference that I can turn on, or turn off, to stop the black border around text boxes from happening when files cross platforms? Thanks for you help. Under normal circumstances that doesn't happen. However, it's impossible to determine why it's occurring without more detailed information.

The general suggestions: • Confirm that your installation of Office is fully updated. 14.3.9 is the current update level. • Don't use the deprecated.doc file type.

You may see boxes where text should be in this scenario: You open a document that contains Korean fonts in Word for Mac 2011. The document was created on Word for Mac 2008 or Word 2010.

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How To Insert Text Box In Word

It doesn't fully support graphic objects created by the newer software, so a conversion occurs. That could account for the borders. Excel 2008 for mac how to calendar. Save using the current.docx file type. It could also be a matter of which version of Win Office is being used on the PCs as well as the settings [Options] being used. Unfortunately, we know nothing about what the circumstances are on the Windows systems nor how the files are being transmitted.

How To Remove Border From Text Box In Word

As Arshad requested, it would also help to have a copy of at least one of the files that demonstrate the problem. Please mark HELPFUL or ANSWERED as appropriate to keep list as clean as possible ☺ Regards, Bob J.

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If you use Microsoft Word, you're no doubt aware that the program doesn't have a standard Mac OS X print dialog window. That sad fact can sometimes leave you feeling a bit lost. Here are a some pointers for printing with Microsoft Word 2011 and an explanation of its major dialog box contents. The Mac's standard OS X print dialog always keeps basic information visible (after you click the arrow that expands the dialog box to its full size). Microsoft Word does not always expose basic information, and Word's print dialog changes depending on the choice you select from the untitled pulldown menu located below the Printer and Presets menus in the window.

How to move a text box in word

The Copies & Pages selection in Word most closely mirrors the basic information you get from the OS X print dialog—a preview of the document you’re printing, the number of copies, collation options, and the range of pages. The Copies & Pages menu is used for managing the number of copies you want to print, but also offers options for changing the page setup, printing the current page, and a useful Page Range option that lets you select the pages that you want to print. Using this feature you can type 1, 3, 5, 11-17 and Word will print only the pages you specified. The Page Setup button lets you make quick changes to the scale, paper size, and print orientation of your document. This is the standard print dialog box in Microsoft Word. Consult the pulldown menus to customize the output.

But the pulldown menu under the Microsoft Word choice changes the options you see and the printing choices you have, offering several items specific to the program. So, if you select Document properties from the menu, you can print a document that includes the file name and save location, the template used for the document, author information, word count, creation and modification dates, and so forth. If you used Word's Track Changes feature to edit a manuscript, selecting the List of markup choice will let you print a list of the changes made to the document.

This list organizes the information logically into specific areas including the body of the document, header and footer, footnote, endnote, and text box. You can also print lists of all the styles used in the document, and any auto text entries that are in use by the document's default template.

Note that in order to see the information from any choice in this dialog, you must select the item from the menu and then print the document. There is no on-screen preview of this information. Use the Microsoft Word setting to to print information about your document. The final menu item, called Summary, lets you view a summary of all the information available about the current print job before you print it. This summary menu lets you see all the parameters you set in previous menus in a single window. While different than the standard Mac OS X print dialog, Microsoft Word's print dialog lets you print a lot of information that lies underneath the surface of the text you've typed.